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Deepslate lapis ore


Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore is a type of Lapis Ore found in Minecraft that is generated exclusively in the deepslate layer of the world. Compared to regular Lapis Lazuli Ore, it has a darker appearance.


  • Appearance: Deepslate Lapis Ore has a dark blue texture embedded in deepslate stone, giving it a rougher and weathered appearance compared to its normal counterpart.
  • Generation: Occurs exclusively in deepslate layers, which are usually deeper underground in Minecraft worlds.
  • Drop: When mined with a pickaxe with the Silk Touch spell, it drops as Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore. If broken without Silk Touch, it yields lapis lazuli, which is used to make dyes and enchant items.
  • Uses: The lapis lazuli obtained from Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore can be used mainly as a dye to color various items or to create enchantment tables, as well as to cast enchantments on items using an enchantment table or anvil.

Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore adds variety to the underground environment, especially in the deeper parts of the world, and serves as an alternative source of lapis lazuli, keeping the resource useful and providing it in a different context in the game.